This Man Explains How His Life Has Changed Since He Got A Facial Tattoo



Tattoos are becoming ever more popular in today’s society, probably thanks in no small part to the amount of footballers that have full sleeves these days.

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However, most people who decide to get inked up somewhere normally do so in places where other people won’t be able to see them in your every day life. If you get a facial tattoo though, there’s no hiding it and it changes your life forever, as the BBC found up when they caught up with a guy from Dundee called Sean Green.

Sean recently got his face tattooed amongst a small community of likeminded people in the city, however not everyone in the general population had the same reaction as him. Hear his story below in the short documentary:

Yeah, nice moustache idiot. I don’t really know what to make of this. Tattoos are cool but I don’t think I would want my face or my neck tattooed, but I suppose that’s because that whenever I’ve seen someone with one during my life they’ve always been condemned as a complete weirdo.

The fact that the guys in this video are so willing and open to discuss how much their tattoos mean to them and that they’re even willing to go through with them might mean that attitudes towards them might change in the future. It’s probably going to take a long time though, and you’re gonna have to hope that people get better facial tattoos than these ones as well.



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