Patient Wakes Up After Tooth Extraction Anaesthetic To Find Dentist’s Penis In His Mouth



A Washington, DC dentist has been accused of sexually assaulting a man who was under anaesthesia during a procedure to have his tooth removed.

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Bilal Ahmed is charged with first-degree sexual abuse of a patient after he allegedly put his penis in the patient’s mouth.

The court documents say that the patient had gone to see Ahmed about a chipped tooth, and Ahmed told him he had to get the tooth removed. The patient insisted that Nitrous Oxide was used and Ahmed told him that his insurance did not cover it so he’d have to cover the cost himself.

The patient says that when he received the gas a male dental assistant was present in the room. When he woke up he noticed that his mask was partially off his face and he described feeling something in his mouth. Yep — it was Ahmed’s penis.

The patient somehow didn’t freak out on Ahmed right there and then, but instead went home and told the police. He set up a phone call with him with the authorities listening in.

During their conversation, the poor guy managed to get Ahmed to admit that the oral sex did happen, leading to his arrest.


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Think I’m going to postpone my next visit to the dentist after hearing about this one. I brush twice a day, use dental floss every other day, no pain in my teeth, mouthwash — I should be fine right? No reason to go sit in a dentist’s chair and potentially wind up with a dick in my mouth.

Seriously though, what happened when this guy woke up with Ahmed’s penis rolling around in his gob? I can’t believe he just got up and left, though it’s such an insane situation to be in that maybe he thought he’d hallucinated it. Otherwise I’m not sure Ahmed would still be alive right now. Can’t be sticking your dick in people’s mouths without their say-so.



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