Huge Shark Caught Metres From Crowded UK Beach



A humungous two metre shark was caught yesterday, less than 300 metres off the coast of Chesil Beach in Dorest.

Jan Davey, 39, shocked tourists who were sitting on the beach, when he emerged from the sea on a routine fishing trip, holding a fish that was bigger than him.

Jan, who has been a fisherman for more than twenty years, told local newspaper, The Dorset Echo:

I’ve been fishing here since I was sixteen. I’ve never seen anything like that so close to the shore.

Since Jan’s catch, the shark has been identified as a Porbeagle, which is a particularly big species and grow as big as three metres. It’s actually illegal to fish for this species, as they are protected due to their low numbers, however Jan claims that he did not realise what species of shark it was and that it was already dead when he accidently caught it in his nets. Given that sharks are typically found much further out than this one, his story seems to check out.

Shark Dorset

Shark Dorset 2

The shark which was landed at Chesil Cove in Dorset. See SWNS story SWSHARK; Fishermen were shocked when they hauled in their nets -- and discovered a two metre long SHARK. The men were fishing around 250 metres off Chesil Cove in Dorset, when the adult female porbeagle shark got tangled in their trammel nets. Dorset Wildlife Trust said while it was an accidental catch it was a "shame", and called on authorities to set up more 'protected' areas. Marc Smith, the trust's beach centre manager said: "This was an unfortunate incident.

Though completely understandable, strictly speaking the likelihood of a shark actually hurting a human is actually pretty low when you look at the numbers. This is especially true when you look at shark attacks from Porbeagles, as there have only ever been three recorded attacks by them, with no fatalities. That being said, you couldn’t pay me to get into that sea after that filthy beast washed up on the shore.

Like sharks? Check out the size of this BEAST.



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