Are All Famous People Time Travellers/Immortal?



We’ve written about the possibility of Nicolas Cage being a vampire and Jay Z being a time traveller before on Sick Chirpse, but we had no idea that there were so many celebrity time travellers/lookalikes from the past. It turns out that there are an absolute shit ton, as you can see in the photographs below.

Peter Dinklage and Diego Velazquez’s “Portrait of Sebastián de Morra”

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 1

Jennifer Lawrence and Zubaida Tharwat

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 2

President Millard Fillmore and Alec Baldwin

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 4

Zach Galifianakis and Louis Vuitton

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 5

Mahir Cayan and Jimmy Fallon

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Judy Zipper and Leonardo DiCaprio

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 7

WWII General Douglas MacArthur and Bruce Willis

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Justin Timberlake and this convicted felon

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 9

Pope Gregory IX and Sylvester Stallone

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 10

German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer and Johnny Depp

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 11

Keanu Reeves and this guy from 1875

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 12

Vladimir Putin and Macaulay Culkin

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 13

Jack Black and Paul Revere

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Eddie Murphy and this guy

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 15

David Bowie and Tilda Swinton

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 17

Klara Hitler and Michael Cera

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 18

Brad Pitt and Hermann Rorschach

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Michael Jackson and this dude from the 1820s

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 20

Zora Neale Hurston and Queen Latifah

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 21

Conan O’Brien and Marshall Harvey Twitchell

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 22

Maggie Gyllenhaal and Rose Wilder Lane

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 23

Ginger Rogers and Christina Aguilera

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 24

Lee J. Cobb and Jason Segal

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 25

Christian Bale and this old train robber

Celebrtiy Time Travellers 26



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