E.A. have officially released the “first” trailer for Battlefield hardline, their upcoming Battlefield game, as well as a release date, October 21st.
Even though this is the first official trailer, E.A. put the CIA to shame with the amount of leaks about Hardline.
First, its very existence was leaked by an anonymous source, which was confirmed by E.A. the next day. Then, a nine minute video of a beta tester flying around a multiplayer map was leaked, and it looked an awful lot like BF4. After that, another seven minute video detailing the story, multiplayer, weapons and gadgets found its way onto the internet. E.A. clearly take confidentiality very seriously then.
That seven minute trailer does make it look like fun, but that’s what trailers do. The beta tester flying around looked much more like what we’ve seen before, except with police cars instead of military buggies. Still, there were no other players, so we can’t judge too harshly.
One thing that people have been complaining about is realism. True, it’s a very small number, but people think that Visceral are showing cops in a bad light, saying that they can go around doing whatever they want and killing whoever they want. In response, people have been saying it’s a game made for enjoyment, not a gritty documentary on the lives of cops, and secondly, if people can believe that Russia can invade all of Europe as well as America at the same time in MW3, why can’t they believe this?
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The trailer looks interesting, and give it a watch if you like the idea of, as they put it, “The Ultimate Cops Versus Robbers Fantasy!”. It does seem that they saw how well GTA 5 did and want some of that action, and need a big brand name to stick to it so they stuck on Battlefield, as even I agree that Battlefield doesn’t have much to do with criminals and policemen. It’s kind of in the name. BATTLEFIELD.