Top 5 Weirdest News Of The Week – #1 Is So Dark



Here’s your weird news round-up from this week. I’ve perused the weird aisle at the internet store so you don’t have to. As ever, if this article achieves nothing else, hopefully it will remind you that your life is actually not so bad and that the universe is filled with morons.

This week’s oddities include vending machine rage, an English jewel thief in Oz and London’s first ever cat cafe.

5) Woman Turns Home Into Rainbow Brite Museum

Weird News - Katy Cartee - Rainbow Brite header

Do you remember Rainbow Brite? Have you ever even heard of Rainbow Brite? No, me neither. Any way, this lady, Katy Cartee (32) has for some reason got completely obsessed with it. Here’s what the cartoon looked like just FYI:

Weird News - Katy Cartee - Rainbow Brite

I’m sure you’re one step ahead of me but Katy isn’t from England, she’s from North Carolina. She got her first Rainbow Brite doll when she was 5 and this is what her house looks like now:

Weird News - Katy Cartee - Rainbow Brite entrance

And this is her bedroom, not her daughters bedroom, but her bedroom:

Weird News - Katy Cartee - Rainbow Brite bedroom

I guess you’re probably saying to yourself something like this “well… she’s clearly a nut job who is incredibly lonely, and instead of filling her vacuous life with cats she has turned to children’s memorabilia”. Well you’re wrong. She is in fact happily married. Poor guy, imagine having your mates round for a few beers.

She’s in the news this week as she’s opening her doors to other Rainbow Brite geeks. So far, no takers.

☛ Read Next: Creepy Cartoon Conspiracy Theories



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