6 Sexy Songs To Soundtrack Successful Sexytimes



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4. Marques Houston — Naked

There will be times in all our lives were we feel self-conscious about personal nudity. It shouldn’t really be the case, but it makes you human and not a cocky dickhead. And let me tell you right now, there certainly is a difference between having sex with a cocky dickhead and a confident person. Strive to be confident. And if you have a killer body? Strive to be confident.

Marques Houston was told to ‘go home’ many times during his childhood, he wasn’t even given the respect of being called by his birth name — but he didn’t let that stop him being confident. He bounced back every time, happier and thirstier with each episode until his balls (and thus, the bigger picture) dropped and he realised you don’t need to repeatedly break into the house of your much older neighbour’s in an effort to get the tip wet.

Sometimes people can be worth chasing, but if you’re patient, I can promise that there’ll always be someone in the world who won’t ask you to leave. Use this song for empowerment and enjoy that deserved skin burn.



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