6) Sibudu Cave: Older Than Your Nan’s Nan
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Let’s end on something properly old shall we? The Sibudu Cave in South Africa was inhabited more than SEVENTY THOUSAND YEARS BEFORE THE PYRAMIDS WERE BUILT. That’s old. Well, old as far as humans are concerned any way, T Rex would be unimpressed.
Only about 10% of the Sibudu Cave has been explored and the items they’ve found are mighty impressive when we remember just how very old they are.
Among other wonders, the cave has produced the earliest bone arrow (61,000 years old), the earliest needle (61,000 years old), the earliest glue making kit (72,000 years ago), and the earliest example of the use of bedding (77,000 years ago).
The glue and bedding are of the greatest interest to archaeologists because they show an impressive level of complex cognition for such an early human tribe.
So there we go, impressive right? I like reading about ancient stuff. It makes me realise how unimportant my life is. And that’s good because it makes me give even less of a turd about how my day at work will be tomorrow. Whatever, basically. Blink of an eye etc.