5 Mysterious Cases Of Aircraft That Disappeared Without A Trace



4) Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart

Image VIA

Amelia is one of the most famous pilots of all time and definitely the most famous one to go missing, never to be found. In 1937, during her monumental attempt to be the first lady to fly around the entire globe, she vanished somewhere over the central Pacific Ocean.

Some recently unearthed evidence may put an end to this mystery though, researchers have found what appears to be a jar of 1930’s era freckle cream on Nikumaroro island in the Pacific, along with an American-made woman’s compact, buttons and the zipper from a flight jacket.

Only time will tell if there’s any mileage in that theory. There are plenty of other theories for us to court any way. Some say Amelia moved to New Jersey, changed her name, remarried and became Irene Craigmile Bolam. However, Bolam filed a lawsuit against the author of the book that raised the theory, the matter was settled out of court and the book removed from shops. So that’s probably not the answer.



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