This 24 Year Old Woman Has Never Kissed Her Boyfriend Of Two Years



I imagine that most people would agree that sex and physical intimacy is an important part of a relationship, but apparently there are some people out there that still believe in the old value system of no sex before marriage and have taken it even more extreme lengths than I ever thought possible.

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24 year old Kyndel Grove is a massive Christian and has taken the religious instructions to the next level, revealing that she’s never even kissed her boyfriend of two years and won’t be doing anything of the sort until the pair are happily married. Of course, she had to tell everyone on TikTok about that and predictably the video has gone viral and been viewed almost a million times because people can’t believe how old fashioned and weird she is about it all.

@kyndelgrove this dip be good #christiantiktok #christiangirl #christianrelationships #savingyourself #boyfriend ♬ original sound – Kyndelgrove

So I’m almost 24 and my boyfriend and I – he’s my first boyfriend – we’ve been dating for almost two years and we’ve never kissed.

And before y’all call me weird and all that nonsense, because I get that all the time, we’re Christian.

For me, I never want to kiss anybody unless he’s my husband because I feel like that’s a special thing.

And I don’t give a frick what any of you guys think, because I get hate all the time about it, but the only person I’m pleasing is God, okay?

I guess that’s kind of cute and cool that they don’t need to be physically intimate because it really is a throwback in these incredibly slutty times, but that also makes it really weird paradoxically as well. I was worried about them not being sexually compatible once they eventually tied the know, but I suppose if neither of them have any experience then they can just keep trying stuff until they eventually find something that they both like. Still gotta be a worry and very weird though.

For more of the same, check out this guy getting rejected for a New Year’s kiss on the big screen. Things can only get better buddy.



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