23 Examples Of Glitches In The Matrix



No one really thinks The Matrix is a genuine explanation of our current state of reality… do they? I mean I know there are a lot of pretty intense and unanswerable philosophy questions and our human bodies do some majorly weird stuff, but The Matrix is just a film right?

Well, after looking at the following images maybe we should start taking this “we’re all part of a computer programme” thing a bit more seriously.

Glitches In The Matrix - bobble bus

Glitches In The Matrix - cafe clash

Glitches In The Matrix - classic

Glitches In The Matrix - double bench

Glitches In The Matrix - hoodie

Glitches In The Matrix - maroon

Glitches In The Matrix - matching bags

Glitches In The Matrix - number plate

Glitches In The Matrix - old ladies

Glitches In The Matrix - orange joggers

Glitches In The Matrix - past and present

Glitches In The Matrix - physics cat

Glitches In The Matrix - red joggers

Glitches In The Matrix - Russian Twins

Glitches In The Matrix - same hair

Glitches In The Matrix - same ladies

Glitches In The Matrix - same shirt

Glitches In The Matrix - same shoes

Glitches In The Matrix - texters

Glitches In The Matrix - toilet malfunction

Glitches In The Matrix - train dude

Glitches In The Matrix - two sets of twins

Glitches In The Matrix - wigs



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