The 11 Best Musical Scenes In Film



4. Airplane! – They’re On Instruments

Without a doubt Airplane! is one of the most stupid films ever made. It also one of the greatest comedies ever made, and if you aren’t a fan then you probably live a joyless life under a bridge somewhere getting your kicks from flashing small children. Not that we judge any of our readers unfairly.

I had to put this scene in here because it’s one of the stupidest gags in this most stupid of films – and it also fits all of our 4 ground rules, so hah!

3. Back to the Future – Johnny B Goode

This film is just amazing. The 80s were a bad time for organised labour, crack addicts and the testicles of all those men in tight leather trousers – but my God they knew how to make films back then.

Even despite the Freudian undertones of a lot of this film, you can’t help but love it when he shreds the shit out of that guitar in front of those innocent 1950s kids.

I actually have no more to say about this film or this scene – it is just brilliant.

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2. The Blues Brothers – Minnie The Moocher

Okay so we broke our own anal ‘ground rules’ for this one. We don’t care.

This is probably one of the greatest films ever made, and if you don’t like it then you are probably similar to the people who don’t like Airplane! except you also have no taste in music.

I mean this film has John Lee Hooker, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, Cab Calloway, and James Brown in it – for cameos! It’s just outrageous. That’s what you call an all star musical cast. If they made this film today you’d have Miley Cyrus’ tongue, Harry Styles’ hair, and Justin Beiber’s stupid fucking face all getting together to save Simon Cowell from evil paparazzi.

Every single song in the Blues Brothers should be on this list, but Minnie is the one that makes it because Cab Calloway was the greatest, and doing a sneaky walk to this song is one of our life ambitions.

1. Deliverance – Duelling Banjos

Creepiest and best one on the list. Deliverance seems to make it into a lot of our lists, but at least this time it’s for one of the few genuinely uplifting bits of the film. This is a great bit of music, even though the tune makes me shiver every time I hear it.

I sometimes wish that the film had just ended here on a vaguely sinister note, rather than finishing as it does on a traumatising, psychologically disturbing, rape and murder note.

Ah well. He does play a mean banjo.

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