The origin of the gang is a well-known tale among members and although there is no evidence to prove it, the story has remained unchanged for many years. It goes like this: a bloke called Po had noticed young black men going off to the mines to work and never returning home. He decided to go and see what happened at these places. The treatment of his fellow man and the conditions they worked in angered and saddened him. Po met a Zulu guy called Nongoloza who was on his way to the mines. Po persuaded him to join his crusade. The next day Po had a similar conversation with a young man of the Pondo tribe called Nongilikatyane who also agreed to join this band of men and live with them in a cave. Between them they recruited another 15 men to the fold. Po taught them all a secret language and they indulged in highway robbery and the looting of colonial outposts and settlements.
One member called Kilikigan took seven men and robbed during daylight hours and Nongoloza took another six men and robbed during the night. They carved their activities and rules onto a large rock near the cave as a reference point.
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