‘American Pie’ was one of the great movie trilogies of the late 90s/early 00s and one of the factors that contributed to its success was the presence of Chuck Sherman AKA The Shermanator – a sophisticated sex robot sent from the future sent back in time to bang your daughters.
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Well we all know that wasn’t actually what he was, but that’s what made his character so great. As you might expect, since the movies wrapped, Chris Owen – the actor who played Sherman – has grown up and he’s gone from looking like a typical 90s geek punk kid into someone who’s actually fairly good looking. Unbelievable right?

Looking good Sherman. Maybe you’ve actually got laid by now.
Although it’s undeniably great that Sherman has managed to get a lot better looking in his old age, the same can’t be said for Chris Owen’s career following the ‘American Pie’ films. As far as I know he’s failed to appear in anything of note and apparently decided to take a break from acting in 2013 following his divorce from wife Michelle Beck. He was most recently spotted working as a waiter in a sushi joint. Embarrassing.
Here’s what one onlooker said at the time:
It was kind of funny watching The Shermanator serve at a sushi restaurant. It was also sort of sad to see how quickly and easily an actor can fall from fame. No one in the restaurant even seemed to recognise him.
Geez that’s sad. Still, as long as Sherman is OK in himself and looking good, that’s the main thing right? For more of the same, here are a bunch of celebrities and what they looked like when they were young.