I’m quite partial to some sexy lingerie. Just, y’know… When a woman is wearing it.
I don’t feel the need to steal it and keep it in my room. But then, I’m not Pan Lo.
The 23 year old from Taiwan has been arrested after being caught with a shit load of stolen women’s underwear. I don’t mean a box of Wonderbras off the back of a lorry kind of stolen underwear, either. I mean the ‘creepily taken from girls’ bedrooms at university’ kind of stolen underwear.
For the past few months, girls at the uni have been panicking as they’ve had their bras and knickers going missing the regs. Police were brought in, and promised to make a strong effort to find the culprit.
Students were also shocked to learn that the burglar was breaking into their dorm rooms while they were sleeping. The creepy weirdo.
The knickers-nicker was caught red handed by a security guard, breaking into girls dorm rooms at Chung Yuan Christian University.
Following his arrest, Pan Lo took the police to his flat, where he had all of the girls’ stolen underwear neatly organised into his special ‘lingerie cupboard’.
A police spokesperson said: “It was like an underwear museum, everything neatly arranged and organised for its curator.”​
Apparently, Pan Lo was initially ‘proud’ of his collection, but later changed his standing, alluding the crimes to a mental illness, although this is yet to be confirmed by authorities.
He is currently being held by the police and being charged with theft. He’s been advised to co-operate in questioning, and not get his knickers in a twist (sorrynotsorry).