The New ‘Lights Out’ Trailer Confirms It Will Be The Scariest Movie Of The Year



We’ve been excited about ‘Lights Out’ ever since the first trailer dropped earlier this year, and after the latest one was released over the weekend we’re pretty sure it’s definitely going to be the scariest movie of the year. I mean when you jump twice in the trailer alone then you know it’s got to be on to something, right?

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‘Lights Out’ tells the story of some woman who is haunted by a ghost from her past who only appears whenever the lights are out. Apparently it does for people with a fear of the dark what ‘Halloween’ did for people with a fear of psychopathic killers. Promising comments. Maybe watch the trailer with the lights off to make it extra creepy:

See what I mean there? Gonna be hiding behind my hands when I go and check that out at the cinema later this year. Probably going to be sleeping with the lights on for a while afterwards too.

If you want to see the two minute short movie that was the inspiration for ‘Lights Out’, click here.



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