PHOTOS: Mankind And Undertaker’s Epic 1998 Hell In A Cell Match



It’s hard to believe that this happened almost 16 years ago – back when the WWE was the WWF – but it’s ingrained in my memory as one of the most unbelievable and violent wrestling matches I’ve ever seen, and was probably the match that truly got me into wrestling back then. It didn’t help that this was my first PPV though as I kind of thought that every single one would be as good as this.

If you don’t know the story, Undertaker and Mankind were fighting in a hell in a cell match (where there’s a cell around the ring) and Mankind was meant to get thrown off the top of the cage and chokeslammed onto the top of it. Unfortunately when that spot came up, the cage broke and he ended up getting chokeslammed through the cage onto the ring. That hit him so hard that his tooth came out of his nose.

Despite being completely and utterly fucked from that, Mankind refused medical attention and instead finished the match, which also involved him getting chokselammed onto some thumbtacks and tombstoned onto a chair. Unfortunately there aren’t any pictures of him refusing a stretcher and walking out of the arena after all this punishment, but he did do that. What a hero.

You can check out some pictures from this match on this page and the next, and the full match is also available to watch on the next page.

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Mankind Undertaker Hell In A Cell 2

Mankind Undertaker Hell In A Cell 1

Mankind Undertaker Hell In A Cell 4

Mankind Undertaker Hell In A Cell 5

Mankind UNdertaker Hell IN A Cell 6

Mankind Undertaker Hell In A Cell 7

Mankind Undertaker Hell In A Cell 14

Mankind UNdertaker Hell In A Cell 13

Mankind UNdertaker Hell In A Cell 11

Mankind Undertaker Hell In A Cell 12

Mankind Undertaker Hell In A Cell 21

Mankind Undertaker Hell In A Cell 8

Mankind UNdertaker Hell In A Cell 9

Mankind Undertaker Hell In A Cell 10

Undertaker Mankind Hell In A Cell 22

Mankind Undertaker Hell IN A Cell 2

Mankind Undertaker Hell In A Cell 19

Undertaker Mankind Hell In A Cell 23

Mankind Undertaker Hell In A Cell 18

Mankind Undertaker Hell In A Cell 16

Mankind Undertaker Hell In A Cell 3

Mankind Undertaker Hell In A Cell 17

 Mankind UNdertaker Hell In A Cell 15

Watch the full match below:

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