Everyone’s been speculating for a while now what the latest Apple Macbooks are going to look like, and now the wait is over, after the launch went live yesterday evening.
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The latest Apple Macbook Pro has got rid of its USB ports, and has an added touch screen above the keyboard. Something tells me there’s going to be uproar about the USB ports – particularly since everyone’s only just starting to get over the missing headphone jack in its iPhone 7. Luckily they’re keeping the headphone port with the new Macbook. The USB ports will be replaced with four new points, which can be used for USB-C or as Thunderbolt charging points.
But the most controversial feature of all has to be the new TouchID – a built in fingerprint ID pad. Clearly the touch screen is a sick new feature, but being a paranoid technology skeptic, I can’t help but think it’s better to avoid adding your fingerprint details into every device you own. They already can track who you are, your personal details, what you look like, where you are and worst of all… your porn preferences. There’s no need to add your thumb prints into the mix. You might as well just be carrying around a personalised Apple tag.
Still on the plus side, the touch screen will include emojis. So it’s not all bad, am I right?
Well there you have it – another Apple product to spend your money on.
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